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What Is AM-C?:

Amla berry (Embilica Officinalis)

Has been revered in Ayurvedic medicine for over 5000 years for its anti aging and immune tonic for optimal health. 


  • 100% pure AMLA fruit extract in vegetable capsules

  • "The pure isolated form of ascorbic acid would not cure scurvy only the natural complex can do that."
    -Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgi, Discoverer of Vitamin C

  • "The proper use of vitamin C and Lsysine can prevent cardiovascular disease and even cure it."-Dr. Linus Pauling, Twice Nobel Price Laureate
  • Contains proline, lysine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and alanine

  • Rich in chromium, zinc and copper.

  • Superior source of antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

  • Revered in Ayurverdic madicine for over 5000 years for its anti-aging and immune tonic for optimum health.

  • Best natural source of vitamin C.

amla example